How Art Can Speak to Your Soul

how art can speak to your soul article

how art can speak to your soul

Art is uniquely human.

There is something unique inside of us that is crying out for meaning. It’s almost impossible to fully describe using words. Throughout history, people have been attempting to explore this using paintings, murals, pottery, storytelling, poems, dancing, and music. All of these are forms of art that came about as a way for us to explore difficult-to-express ideas and have evolved as we have developed. One thing I love about art is that it is uniquely human. Our ability to convey meaning with aesthetic beauty cannot be matched by any other creature. Many believe that art is how the soul communicates with the world, which would explain why only we create art. But what is it that the soul is trying to express?


We weren’t designed to wander aimlessly throughout life.

I think our soul tries to communicate with us about our shared purpose. Everyone has a need for some sort of drive or purpose. It’s so innate that when we lose that sense of purpose, we become depressed and hopeless. Having goals that we are working towards, the belief that there is a reason for what we are doing, and the idea that life is a bigger mosaic that we fit into give us a sense of purpose and belonging in life. It fulfills that deep need in our souls for something greater. We weren’t designed to wander aimlessly throughout life, and I think our soul wants us to know that. It expresses it through these deeply rooted feelings and through art!


Our need for something more is shared between humans throughout history.

When learning about different religions, cultures, and mythology, one thing that always stands out to me is how much ideas throughout time and location rhyme. I feel this really speaks to the idea that there truly is something more to this life and that people throughout history have glimpsed at it and tried to describe it. That’s why so many stories and underlying messages in artwork have similar themes. It’s almost as if we, as humans, all have this ability to touch this greater thing in passing moments and feel so deeply inspired that we feel compelled to try and express it however we can. This leads to various art forms and the expression of similar ideas through different cultural lenses. I think this is what our soul is trying to communicate to us, and art is the medium to do it.


When looking for art (in whatever form), it is important to find something that speaks to that deeper part of you, yearning for something more. It should inspire you, invoke a sense of wonder, and uplift your soul.

acrylic painting on canvas of hot air balloon flying out of a storm
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