List of Art Fairs in Cincinnati, Ohio

List of Art Fairs in Cincinnati, OH
Art fairs: Where you can buy fine art (especially paintings!) and artisan works in the Cincinnati area - PLUS Tips on attending an art fair
Why I love art fairs
Attending art fairs as both an artist and art lover has been one of my favorite local outings over the past few years. It combines some of my favorite things: art, getting outdoors, and meeting new people. If you are an art enthusiast, whether you’re looking to buy or just appreciate art, I highly recommend checking out art fairs! It’s a great way to support local artist and make a personal connection with the person behind the artwork. It also gives you a unique art buying experience. Instead of buying from a gallery who acts as a third party, you can talk directly to the artist and support them by buying artwork directly from the source! If you are interested in art fairs that are happening in the Cincinnati area, then read on!
One of my booths at an art fair
What this list is and isn’t
I made this list to be a quick guide of various art fair events in the Cincinnati area. This is not an endorsement of any of the fairs. I have not received any sort of compensation for listing any of them here either, this is just a personal list. This list also does not include small craft shows as I wanted to include events where you can find fine art (primarily paintings!). It also is not an exhaustive list! If you know of any other events feel free to leave a comment or send me an email!
List of art fairs in Cincinnati, OH
There is no particular reason for the order of the art fairs listed here. Some of them I’ve participated in, some I’ve attended as an art lover, and some I’ve just heard about through the grapevine!
Summer Fair
- Website: Summerfair
- Where is it?
- Summer Fair is held annually at Coney Island down by the Ohio River. If you’ve been following local news though you’ve probably my heard that Coney Island has closed down and was recently sold to the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra so I’m not sure where it will be held in the future. If anyone knows leave a comment for me! I’ll update this post when I have more information.
- When is it?
- This is a 3-day fair and is held early summer (end of May/beginning of June)
- What’s there?
- Summer fair exhibits the following art media: 2D/3D Mixed Media, Ceramics, Drawing/Printmaking, Glass, Jewelry, Fiber, Leather, Metal, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Wood
- Also note that there is an admission fee to attend this fair. Last I checked it was $10 for the day or $15 for all 3 days (children under 12 are free).
Hyde Park Art Show
- I couldn’t find a dedicated website for this one… But they have a Facebook page for the event each year.
- Where is it?
- Hyde Park Art show is held at Hyde Park Square each year.
- When is it?
- This show is held on a Sunday in early October (it seems like usually the first Sunday) from 10am to 5pm
- What’s there?
- Hyde Park Art Show exhibits the following art media: 2D/3D Mixed Media, Ceramics, Drawing/Printmaking, Fiber/Leather, Glass, Jewelry, Painting, Photography, Sculpture/Metal, Wood.
Wyoming Art Show
- Website: WyomingArtShow
- Where is it?
- This art fair is held in downtown Wyoming along Worthington Ave near the Civic Center.
- When is it?
- The Wyoming Art show is held annually on the third Sunday in May from 11am to 5pm.
- What’s there?
- This show exhibits the following art media: ceramics, drawing/graphic design, fibers, glass, jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography, sculpture, and wood.
Pyramid Hill Art Fair
- Website: SIGNATURE EVENTS | Pyramid Hill
- Where is it?
- This art fair is held at the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park in Hamilton, OH (Northwest side of Cincinnati).
- When is it?
- The Pyramid Hill Art Fair is a 2-day fair held at the end of September.
- What’s there?
- This show exhibits painting, ceramics, jewelry, woodworking, glass and more
- Also note there is an admission fee: Free for members and children 12 and under, $5/non-member age 13
Milford Art Affaire
- Website: Art Affaire |
- Where is it?
- The Milford Art Affair is held on main street in downtown Milford, OH (East side of Cincinnati).
- When is it?
- This fair is held annually on the 4th Saturday in September.
- What’s there?
- The Milford Art Affair exhibits Ceramics/clay, Digital art, Drawing/pastels/colored pencil, Fiber art, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metalwork, Mixed media, Painting, Photography, Paper/print making, Sculpture, Wearable art, Wood, and more.
Vinoklet Wine and Art Festival
- Website: Ohio Vineyard | Cincinnati | Vinoklet Winery, Restaurant, & Vineyard
- Where is it?
- This art fair is held at the Vinoklet Winery on the northwest side of Cincinnati (it’s beautiful! there is a winery and restaurant on site).
- When is it?
- The Vinoklet Wine and Art Festival is a 3-day event held at the beginning of September.
- What’s there?
- This art fair exhibits drawing/printmaking, ceramics, fiber and leather, furniture, glass, jewelry, metal, mixed media, painting, photography, sculpture, wood, and more.
A Fair of the Arts
- Website: A Fair of the Arts - Live Music, Food and Local Artists
- Where is it?
- A Fair of the Arts is held annually in Anderson, OH (southeast side of Cincinnati).
- When is it?
- This art fair is held annually on a Saturday at the end of September from 4pm to 8pm.
- What’s there?
- A Fair of the Arts exhibits jewelry, stained glass, painting, photography, ceramics, and more.
Art on Vine
- Website: Art on Vine
- Where is it?
- Art on Vine is held in a different location depending on the date. The locations listed are: Rhinegeist Brewery, Washington Park, Fountain Square, and Court Street Plaza.
- When is it?
- This art fair is held MONTHLY (not annually). Check their website for dates and the corresponding location. Here are the times the website has listed but definitely double check before going!
- Rhinegeist - Sunday, from 12p.m -6-7p.m
- Fountain Square 12-6p.m
- Washington Park 12-6p.m
- Washington Park Night Market 4-10p.m
- Court Street Plaza 12-6pm
- This art fair is held MONTHLY (not annually). Check their website for dates and the corresponding location. Here are the times the website has listed but definitely double check before going!
- What’s there?
- Their website doesn’t specify what specific mediums are there but looks like it’s a growing fair with a lot of art!
Tips for attending an art fair
> Most art fairs (and all the ones on this list) are outdoor events and are usually held rain or shine. So, check the weather and dress accordingly!
> Have a plan before you go: are you looking for a particular type of art? Just browsing? Looking for inspiration? Or just wanting to have a fun day outside? If you are serious about buying fine art, then doing some research ahead of time can make the day easier. Ask yourself these questions: what type of art am I looking for? (What medium? Any messages or themes? Any color schemes? A specific style?) what size of art am I looking for? What is my budget?
> A lot of fairs will list the vendors participating that year online. It can be helpful to browse online who will be there to help you find out who you want to visit.
> Strike up a conversation - any artist or artisan’s work setting up a booth at a fair is doing it because they want to be out in the community. In my personal experience, the day feels a lot more fulfilling when I spend it talking to people about art (whether it’s my art or other artwork someone thinks I might like!) even if you don’t intend to buy something, if you like someone’s work don’t be afraid to talk to them.
> Along that same line: if you think find any artist or artisan’s work interesting but aren’t wanting to buy that day, get their contact information! We artists love to stay in touch with art lovers and the local community. See if they have an email list, a website, business card, or social media accounts that you can use to stay in contact.
> As I mentioned earlier some of the fairs have a dedicated website while others change the links each year. If any of these art fairs interest you then do a quick online search around the time it’s being held to get more specific information.